Five, yes 5 years ago, I embarked on a journey to start a blog representing my dreams and passions. My ultimate goal is to start my own 501c3 to support at-risk youth and a young girls mentorship program. After a few months of writing, life happened! My path was detoured and as with many passions, I went in a different direction trying to figure out when I would get back to my dreams. Throughout this time I have never forgotten my focus, I constantly find that I am writing down ideas and topics for my re-launch of the blog. I read somewhere one day "if you can't stop thinking about it don't stop working for it..." Well I never stopped and today (after multiple technical difficulties) is the day I am committing to action. It's the official re-launch of Elevator Talk with some new changes in the works...soon we'll have a new name, new site and new features. I didn't want to continue delaying getting this re-launch any further. Check out our updates and stay connected with other engaging discussion on our Instagram handler (@topfloortopics).
When I started this blog my weekly Wednesday posts were coined "Inspiration Wednesdays," in the spirit of #InspirationWednesdays and #TopFloorTopicsThoughtoftheWeek I'll close this post with this thought: NEVER GIVE UP! There will always be disruptions and life will always take turns in a different direction but DON'T EVER GIVE UP. Remember "ambition is the first step to success, the second step is ACTION."
ELEVATOR GOING UP.................TOP FLOOR!!!!!
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