Opportunities Multiply As They Are Seized. ~Sun Tzu

 What Opportunities Are You Seizing?

One of the new features on the blog will be #topfloorevents #elevatorevents focused on highlighting leading and engaging events that represent emerging opportunities to reach the Top Floor across the globe. Whether its networking, career building, happy hour, travel ventures and so much more we plan to feature it here.

For our Atlanta residents we have 4 #topfloor events that we're featuring this week sponsored by General Assembly and they're ALL FREE....see the screenshots below. Go to www.generalassemb.ly
to sign up and for other events!

If you know of or would like to have your event featured on the blog send us an email: topfloortopics@gmail.com!

Seize the opportunity folks...#topfloortopics

Rebirth: NEVER GIVE UP!!!!

Five, yes 5 years ago, I embarked on a journey to start a blog representing my dreams and passions. My ultimate goal is to start my own 501c3 to support at-risk youth and a young girls mentorship program. After a few months of writing, life happened! My path was detoured and as with many passions, I went in a different direction trying to figure out when I would get back to my dreams. Throughout this time I have never forgotten my focus, I constantly find that I am writing down ideas and topics for my re-launch of the blog. I read somewhere one day "if you can't stop thinking about it don't stop working for it..." Well I never stopped and today (after multiple technical difficulties) is the day I am committing to action. It's the official re-launch of Elevator Talk with some new changes in the works...soon we'll have a new name, new site and new features. I didn't want to continue delaying getting this re-launch any further. Check out our updates and stay connected with other engaging discussion on our Instagram handler (@topfloortopics).
When I started this blog my weekly Wednesday posts were coined "Inspiration Wednesdays," in the spirit of #InspirationWednesdays and #TopFloorTopicsThoughtoftheWeek I'll close this post with this thought: NEVER GIVE UP! There will always be disruptions and life will always take turns in a different direction but DON'T EVER GIVE UP. Remember "ambition is the first step to success, the second step is ACTION."
ELEVATOR GOING UP.................TOP FLOOR!!!!!