Making a List, Checking it Twice

Today's post is inspired by another blog post I came across recently. Often times I am asked about good techniques for setting goals: personal and professional. Anyone who knows me, knows quite well that I am a compulsive to-do list maker! I write to-do lists daily, monthly and annually - if you've ever been to my house then you are sure to have seen any one of these lists. I find that they're very useful at keeping me on track. The lists represent all the tasks that I have to get through to complete a specific goal. Not to mention what an excellent feeling it is to cross something off the list. Some might say I am more enthused with the act of crossing things off than the actual lists themselves, but don't judge me!!

However, the post talked about how to maximize the to-do list technique with an "accountability partner," someone you trust to keep you on target for whatever goals you set as well as you keep them on target with their goals. It's very easy to set goals and make lists but very difficult to keep oneself on task or not fall prey to procrastination. -----> Enter your accountability partner (AP)!!

So what do you do with your partner, you ask? Keeping a system of checks and balances with a like-minded individual isn't as hard as it can seem:
1) Set up monthly meetings - if your AP is a friend you probably already see each other regularly - just make sure you set aside defined time to discuss your goals
2) Make goal lists - no matter what the goals are focused on, it could be moving, starting a new business or something as small as reading a book, just create the list with deadlines
3) Share your list and the DEADLINES - your AP isn't able to inquire about your progress if they don't know what they're inquiring about
4) Use the regular meetings times to track progress, get some of the work done and talk about any challenges you have to reaching your goals - your partner may be able to help you get past those or at least help talk you through how to get past the challenges

I think it goes without saying that your AP should be someone you trust and value their feedback, more importantly someone whose words/gentle nudges/hard kicks you will take heed to, to ensure you get the job done. And VICE VERSA!!! Any other pieces of advice for accountability partners?


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