Just Write...

I've made countless attempts at writing something that I think is catchy, will flow and be well received by readers to explain my vision and the purpose of this blog. Dozens of attempts to convey my passion for serving as an inspiration to others, serving as a source of motivation and sharing my own life experiences as well as those of the many close family and friends that I have, all of whom have surpassed obstacles and barriers that many others would have deemed insurmountable. After all these attempts and getting nowhere with my timeline to go live with this blog, a very close family member impressed upon me to just write (thank you Chris J). So simple yet it has taken me until now to get it…JUST WRITE.

Shreeta's Story

I am a survivor! I have and continue to survive life and it hasn’t been no picnic either. A project chick from Harlem, well aware of the issues that plague society; drug addiction – I’ve seen it, poverty – I grew up in it. I know the statistics well and have beaten the odds slimly, but I live by the premise that it is more than just me. I am passionate about helping others to get past obstacles, in the very same way that others helped and pushed me along the way. Over the past couple of months I have been dreaming about getting this blog started, to generate discussion and SOLUTIONS on life issues and moving past obstacles to get to the next level – hence the name Elevator Talk. It’s about sharing experiences, passing down knowledge, spreading information and motivation. From discussions on personal growth to navigating the professional world, I am using this blog to promote leadership, inspiration, creativity and uplift. I hope you find this blog and future events to be a resource for achieving your next level move. Subscribe, follow us on twitter and tell your friends. This is just the beginning.

~Elevator Talk

“Say something to change something…” - Unknown


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