Hello Faithful Elevator Talk Supporters,

Happy Hump Day Folks! The middle of the week, for some the silver lining that the week is coming to a quick end and for others a bothersome reminder that there is still 2, count em, 2 days left in the treacherous week. Whichever side of the coin you're on, I'm here to share a little inspiration. Inspiration Wednesdays will be a new feature here at Elevator Talk, and today's selection I found via Forbes Woman facebook page. This piece was truly moving and quite honestly a rare find amongst the various inspirational type of pieces I come across.

Many of you are looking for new jobs and since we like speaking things into existence - what happens when you get that new job? Acclimating to your new work setting is just as important as the search to find the new job and your performance that keeps you in that job. It's important to set yourself up right and get on the good foot!
Like most women, I am addicted to shoes. Not just any kind of shoe, I am hands down, no questions asked, borderline need a professional intervention addicted to stilettos. I live by two life mantras: (1) don't think, buy the shoes and (2) you can do whatever you put your mind to, and you can do it in stilettos ~The Great, Kimora Lee Simmons!!! My predilection for stiletto heels is well known, the stiletto to flats ratio in my closet is at a daunting 12:1. I wear stilettos every where - in my house (yes I still like to play dress up!), to church, out on the town and undoubtedly at work. I am so used to wearing my high heels that it is really second nature to me. Now don't get me to telling stories, this ain't for the weak or feeble ankled. I work in a fast-paced operations environment at a hospital - I am on my feet the majority of the day going from one meeting to the next, from one end of the campus to the next, back and forth, up and down. But its a discomfort I've come to know and love and a conscious choice that I am quite comfortable with. While on occasion I get questions here and there on how I can stand to wear high heels for such long lengths of time, over the last couple of weeks I have noticed that my preference for footwear seems to draw greater attention, from those in awe to those visibly put off. After reflecting on the reactions I'm getting, it brought me to the deeper question: are high heels detrimental to the careers of women in leadership?

Okay, Okay, Okay - I know, I've been gone for a bit. Please forgive me and my trespasses! I started the new job last week and I have been on the run ever since, getting acclimated to a new schedule, learning new people and faces and trying to stay ahead of the curve in my new responsibilities. I'll tell you now management is not for the faint of heart! However, Elevator Talk is my dream and my passion so I have to get my act together :)